Friday, 6 February 2015

Name :-Goswami Gayatri m
Paper :-02 – the neo-classical literature
Assignment topic:- tom Jones as realistic novel
Sem:-1 ,part-1
Roll no :-11
Submitted to
S.B.Gardi Bhavnagar university
Department of English
“Tom Jones as realistic novel”
This second edition of fielding’s perennially popular novel  reprints the definetiv fourth fourth edition text and corrected Henry fielding.
                   The novel is fully  annotated for undergraduate readers and is accompanied by a textual appendix and a map depicting  tom’s route to lend .
                  Tome Jones previous edition , “contemporary reaction” by such natworthy commentators as Samuel Johnson Samuel Richardson ,and the hill sisters continue to provide historical context .
              Tome jones is many of types critic and novels are writ , jones criticism is a collection of fourteen perspectives on tom Jones spanning the year     1826 to 1990 by semual.
“social evils reality and behavior of tom jones”
So called social morality is the result of irony in the novel.
      A very wholesome and comfortable doctrine ,and to which we have but one objection ,namly  , that it is not true.
        There lately …….. a gentlemen whose name was Allworthy ,and  who might well be called the favorit of  both nature .and fortune for both of these seem to have contended which should bless and enrich his most .
·     He fails to play his role as a responsible brother.
·     Lack of decisive power
·     His misjudgment understand human nature
·     Fail to  understand human nature
·     The education system is a disaster in tom Jones.
·     Tom Joes emerges such a good one ,and in that fact lies the importance of fielding use of education in the novel.
In the terms commonly used in Education tract,
Tom basic goodness must either arise from Innote  qualities or be learned :fielding has been careful to eliminate the force the reader to agree with the former.
Fielding’s own sentiment about such women as Mrs .waters is evident .
“tom jones about the series”
·     Each Narton critical Edition Includes an authoritative text .
·     Contextual and source materials
·     A wide range of interpretations from contemporarily perspectives to the most current critical theory.
·     As well as abibliography and in many cases ,a chronology of the authors life and work.
·     Defail from john wootans  a fox hunt ,reproduccedn by parmission of the Yale center for british art .
·     Although they claim to be interested in philosophy and religion they are selfish and only interested in their success.
·     Tom in lord fellamar is simpal aristocrat who is easily manipulated by lady bellaston.
·     Good V/S Feil
·     Combination of comedy and moral judgment.
·     Language of irony in tom jones:
·     Literary meaning of the word fits in the context while the connotative meanings result  in clashes.
·     For example the gentle man may not near the same in connotative significance .
·     The structure of tom jones is “Irony if From”.
·     Desire for money ,power ,position:-
·     What is the fom?
Form need not be ironic. It should be simple and supportive .it is for our psychological and aesthetic pleasure.
It is a virtual history or virtual memory created by a literary artist wich the perception of real world experience.
Vicious and fallen world in tom jones .
Tom jones  is a small series of peripeteias and discoveries that exactly forecast the grand Aristotelian peripeteia and discovery at the end scene by scene in a characteristic manner.
He says about Truth and human, a girl ,a on the eve of forced marriage with a young foxhunting squire from somerest flees from her father’s estate with her main and arrives at a country meet her unaccredited but sterling lover.
“tom jones femus novel they are”
§ “the novels ofernest hemingway :a critical study”.
§ The modern Indian English novel
§ Alexander novel king size bed
§ Bold classics on poetry and novel
§ The novelist responses to
§ cotemporary Indian study of wovel.
“tom jones as  an individual & his relation with society?
Tom ,we shall respected human nature  at first to the country ,and  shall herself hash and ragoo it with all the high French and Italian improved of affection and vice which court and cities afforded.
His shows us the whole of life he saw it , in its extremes of poverty and luxury form molly sea grim to lady Ballston its extremes of folly and wisdom
                      “tom Jones is not hero”
Fielding was concerned to draw , not heroes ,which , to him ,were Impossible abstraction or invention ,but men as he knew them  finally a war should be added on fielding ‘s utter absence of inventions ,but man as he knew them.  
Finally , a word should be added on fielding’s utter absence of pretence.
1. Defoe the oxford companion to English literature ,Ed , Margaret drabble.
2. J.A.Cuddon ,a dictionary of literary terns
4.john Caruthers ,Scheherazade : or the future of the English novel(1928)  ,quoted in Randall Stevenson…etc.

Name :-goswami gayatri m
Paper:-01-The Renaissance in India
Assignment topic:-Hamlet as a revenge play
Roll no :-11
Semester:-1, parat-1
Submitted to
Dr.Dilip Barad
Maharaja Krishna Kumarsihji University
Hamlet as a revenge play
William Shakespeare:-

Characteristic of revenge play and their application in hamlet .hamlet play are condition by the circumstances of their performance. In an author’s not to the published text  of jumper, tom.  absence of a definitive  has no certain existence. It is common to say .E.A.J.honigmann, the sability of Shakespeare. In preparing previous plays for publication  tried with some difficulty to arrive at something called  a “Definitive text” ,but I now believe that in the case of plays the is no such animal  Ech production  will throw up its own problems and very often the solution will lie in sane minor changes to the text either in the dialogue or in the author direction are both.
We still await the final solution to the problem of hamlet witch will make every obscurity  clear and resolve all our doubts. A long wait is likely since the problem of the text are not susceptible of   easy solution and tragedy treats of a world where all is for from dear and our difficulties never will be resolved since they are the price paid  by humanity for being an animal that is as rash as it is rational ,controlled neither by its instincts nor its intelligence ,but  by both in an uneasy ,and tragic ,alliance.
The student approaching hamlet must make up his mind about three clear question connected with the text in front of him and tree less certain ,but even more important question about the nature of what he  read, or intends to perform .all scholarship and criticism of the play has to address itself to these problem .
The Role of Hamlet:-
Hamlet appear to accept to code but in the soliloquies and action of the play , Shakespeare dramatizes the consideration of conscience and the power of thought which prevent hamlet ,literally against his will ,from achieving his desired blood revenge.
These six soliloquies dramatis exactly these power in hamlet soul   and  shows haw is memory and understanding are irrevocably opposed to his will .one third of hamlet desires to play  the part of strong.
“it he did we should not believe him”
v    Discuss about Hamlet as a Revenge Play:-
Hamlet play very close follows the dramatic conventions of revenge in Elizabethan theater. It is perhaps Shakespeare know the versions of sexo or krantz .it is perhaps even problem that he had read Belle forest .but it is not certain .what is evident is that his drama station has last none of the grim association of the folk  - talls  fortinbras and  the denish court ,a record.
It is an emotion that naturally appeals to dramatists since if provides a coherent and logical framework for the depiction of human passion .A series of events can clearly be seen to start with some original has been avenged.
“murder should be ravenge ,but is revenge not also murder” how is it possible to act against. Claudius without also acting in the same fashion as daudius?
“Hamlet, apparently ,is determined to play the part of luciamus”.
“hurder should be revenged but revenge not also murder?
How is it possible to act against cloudiest without also   aefing in the same fashion as Claudius”.

Revenge has caused the down fall of many a person. Its consuming nature causes one to act recklessly thought anger rather than reason.
                     Revenge is an emotion easily rationalized; one turn desires another. However this as a very dangerous theory live by thought by Hamlet, revenge is a dominant theme. Revenge has caused the downfall of many a person or an his life. This entitled King Hamlet to the land that  possessed by Fortinbras because it was written in a sealed compact.
            He wanted to lost the land that had been lost to Denmark when his father was billed.
“Revenge h s foul and must unnatural murder”
           Hamlet is still a play concerned with a son’s revenge for the murder of his father aided by their own historical vision and challenged by he particular requirement of their own to such an extent that the term revenge can usual be understood as referring to tragedies .
           Written between 1580 and 1642.shakespear has used the players and the murder of   Gonzaga to provide a great central reflecting mirror for the action of his play and has , in hamlet and Ophelia dramatist minds brought to the brink of destruction by frightened powerful .
              The ghost is Powerful and formidable figure whose armor remodels the spectators of the duties of the active life and in calling upon Hamlet to revenge his murder he summons memory  ,understanding and will to  his mother and not to taint his mind . these are command difficult to reconcile and almost impossible to execute or punishment exist at the same time no on can tall almost whether the ghost comes from heaven or from hell. The call to avenge a father murder is one to which few fail to respond.
           On the other hand , is more a representative of the passionate life. In the first play , he pauses for thought. Hamlet is for from a perfect character.
             Compared to the Scotland persistence of mendacity and viciousness ,or the uncomprehending.
               This  doubtful death seem dess catastrophic than heroic.
                   “revenge & tragedy ands with a funeral ,which also celebrates a victory”.  
M.K.Bhavnagar University
Dryden as a Critic
Introduction of john Dryden:-
John Dryden was born In the village rectory of near theapston in Northampton  where his maternal grandfather was rector of all saint. john was an English poet, literary critic ,translator ,and playwright who was
 mode poet laureate in ‘1668’ .he is seen dominating the literary life of restoration England to such a paint that the period come to be known in literary circle as the Age of Dryden.
“wolter scott called his glorious john”
With all these merits, certain defect have also been noted in Dryden’s criticism. It is inconsistent betrays imperfect knowledge, and sometime give too much concession to tradition and classical Authority . Dr. Johnson   was the first critic to not these limitation of Dryden. He pointed to the inconsistency in Dryden’s attitude to Rhyming play. His lack of scruple and Even logic in refuting hostile critic ,or in defending some Diane of his own. There were also occasional inaccuracies in hen   his statements ,as when he referred to the tragedy of queen Gerboduc or credited Chapman with Employing Alexandrian in his homer .The truth was ,so Dryden was explain he was possessed of no very profound learning , despite appearance to the country  his critical doctrine being largely acquired in ordinary converse, and lured to account by a wise selection ,shrewd thinking and experience. “But these limitations are Insignificant in comparison with his great Achievement  and his final Estimate they cannot detract from the essential soundness of his position as a critic. He lived in an Age of changing critical values   , but still he kept his balance of mind and placed criticism on a high and sound foaling for the guidance of future generation. In 1668 Dryden published his Essay of dramatic document of his most important for general literary theory.
It is cast in  the form of a lively dialogue among four friend ,Critic ,Eugenics , Lisidius ,and Neander ,who have been identified respectively with sir Robert Howard lord Buckhurst , sir charls sedly ,and Dryden himself. They discuss the respective merit of ancient drama ,modern drama ,seventieth century French Neo-classical drama and the drama of the last Age.
The result of modification was the essay of dramatic poesy ,the immediate inactive for writing the essay ,
“published in 1665 sorbiewas a Frenchman”.
v     Dryden a great critic:-
Dryden belongs to the illustrious group of poet critic which induces such names as Ben Jonson ,Dr . Johnson ,Wordsworth , Coleridge ,Matthew Arnold ,Dryden greatness as a critic when he called him ,
“The father of English criticism”,
And his view of Dryden set the fashion of criticizing just as Shakespeare set the fashion of dramatizing. They did not take a comprehensive view of literature as a whole and connected with it.
v     Dryden freedom from rules
v     Dryden has adopted a very rational in criticism
He is a great admirer of the ancient writers and accept many of their principle. But he is not a servile imitator and changes the classical rules when he does not agree with them or finds them unfit for modern condition.
He is more interested in a work’s being good of its kind then in its conformity to any pre-concaved theories about good art.
v   Pioneer of history criticism:-
Dryden is the first English critic to make use of the historical method of criticism .he regards literature as mirror of society reflecting faithfully the characteristic of the Age,
“he says:-what pleased the Greek would not satisfy and English  audience”.
Dryden’s sense of history is shown in his remark on Chaucer who wrote “in the infancy if pur poetry”.
v   Emphasis on native Element in literature:-
Dryden is one of the English critics who never accepts France as the world’s greatest Arbiter of test. The English writers imitated the French writers ,and followed the principles of regularity and order and the spirit of good sense in their prose, drama and poetry.
v   T.S.Eliot also says in this connection:-
“The great significance of Dryden in criticism is that at the right moment he become conscious of the necessity of affirming the native Almost in literature and blended the English accent with the French accent.
We cannot afforded to forget how revolution , in their bulk and seriousness of purpose are Bryon’s analyses of Ben Jonson and Shakespeare and of his own plays.
“The imitation of nature”.