Topic: Movements of the
20th century
Name: Goswami Gayatri M
Paper no: 9 – Modern literature
Semester: 3 - Roll no -8
Year: 2014-15
PG Enrolment no: PG13101011
Email ID:
Submitted to: Department of English
Smt. S. B. Gardi
Maharaja Krishnakumar
sinhji Bhavnagar University
Ø Modernism is
notoriously difficult to define clearly because the term encompasses a verity
of specific and philosophical movements including “Symbolism, Futurism,
Surrealism, Expressionism, Imagism, Vorticism, Dada or Dadaism. Further
complicate matters, many Modernist (including of the most successful and most
famous), are not affiliated with any of these group.
¨ The dates of the modernism movement (itself a
problematic term , as there was in no
sense a singular , consolidated , “movement”)are sometime difficult to
determine .the beginning of the 20th century is an extremely convenient starting point it
saw the end of queen Victoria’s reign, marking a symbolic break from the
preceding century. The term of the century also roughly coincided with
publication of several groundbreaking theories, such as Freud’s interpretation
of dreams and Einstein’s theory of special relativity.
¨ As such as , there real
shift (not merely symbolic changes) in the natural arts occurring at this time
as well .
¨ However , using the year 1900
as a starting paint for modernism is also problematic
, as it would exclude
some writers or texts from the let 1800s wish definitively
display modernist tendencies.
¨ Many scholars are thus
the year 1890 as a starting
point ; it is close to the end of
queen Victoria’s reign and of the century , but still fairly inclusive . it is important to remember, however , the while 1890 is an
entirely appropriate starting date , it is also an artificial one.
¨ As such as , the modernist movement had reached its
natural technology conclusion and
anything which came after be part of a
different part of literary history .
v These are the movements
of the 20th century :
v“What is Dadaism?”
v “Dadaism or dada is a
past – World War 1 cultural movement in visual art
as well as literature (mainly poetry) , theatre and graphic design”.
vImage of “Dadaism”:
¨ Dadaism was an art
movement of the 20TH century.
¨ Dada movement was an a
European ‘AVANT-GARDE’ in the early 20th century .
¨ Dada began in ‘Zurich
Switzerland’ in 1916 , spreading to ‘Berlin shortly’ thereafter but the height
of , in 1915 . to a quote done buds the language of art knowledge
¨ “Dada was born out of negative reaction to the herros
of world war 1 .”
¨ Dada reject reason and
logic , prizing nonsensical , traditionally and
¨ Yet as a larger constellation
of ideas and identity, Dada is not well
understand .
¨ Scholars and museums have tended
to deal with its individual actors men graphically , leaving the broder
premier of dada work alone.
¨ This movement has been
presented as a precursor to something else more defined generally surrealism.
¨ When it has been taken
on , Dada has often been discussed in terms of absurdity non sense , and anti art concept with some justification in its
rhetorical and thought , but witch paradoxically land to deflect further
exploration of meaning .
“One particular movement the formed as a
reaction to the political and war-torn averment was a movement called “Dada”.”
¨ The creation of the dada is political is largely contributed
to Hugo ball , a poet and theorist.
¨ The movement primarily
involved visual art ,literature, poetry , art manifesto, art theory ,theater,
and graphic design , and concentration
its anti – war politics through a rejection
of the prevailing standards in art through anti-art cultural work.
v Many Dadaists present
of his views like :
v “Hans Richter”:
v According to Hans
Richter Dada was not art: it was
“Anti-Art” .Dada represents the opposition of everything which art stood for .
¨ Where art was concerned
with traditional aesthetics , Dada ignored aesthetic. If art was to appeal to sensibilities , dada was intended
to offend
¨ As per about my view “Dada”
word is use for “Art” so that time some kind of.
¨ “African music and jazz
was common at dada gatherings , singing a return to the nature and primitivism.
v Art techniques
“ TO
¨ A style of art and
literature developed principally in the 20TH century , in Which
fantastic visual imagery from the subconscious mind is used with no intention
logically comprehensible .
Involves fantasy and dreams
Is illogical
Stresses the subconscious
Automatism –to aloe your subconscious
Mind to take over take over in your Art
Demented sense of
¨ Image of surrealism:
Founded in 1924 by poet and critical Ander Breton who published the surrealism &
surrealistic manifesto : join the
world of fantasy to the everyday
“BRETON” adapted the theorist of “Sigmund Freud” dream analysis the unconscious is the
wellspring of the imagination.
Surrealism is that kind of movement you can not imagining of the
Most Dada artists joined the surrealism movement as wall .
In this movement through exploration of ways to express in art
the world of dreams and the unconscious.
“Artists ‘role’ to bring inner and outer reality together”
In the dreams , people moved beyond the constraints of society .
v Two forms of surrealism:
¨ Biomorphic(interest in life forms):
Joan miro
¨ Naturalistic
(recognizable sans of nightmare or dream images):
Magritte , Salvador Dali , the crucifixion ,1958.
¨ Surrealism
works feature the element of surprise , unexpected juxtaposition and non
sequitur: however , many surrealist artist and writers regard their work as an
expression of the philosophical movement first , and for most , with the work
being an artifact.
¨ “The founded of the
¨ Known as surrealism
, was Andre Breton , who in 1924 issued
the first surrealist manifesto , which explained that a
higher reality could be captured by
freeing the mind from logic and rational
central .
¨ The group aimed to
revolutionized human experience , in its personal , cultural , social , and political aspects.
¨ In 1924 they declared
their philosophy in the first “surrealistic manifesto” that some year they established the Bureau of
surrealist research , and began publishing the journal “La revolution
¨ Surrealist manifesto :
¨ Breton wrote the
manifesto of 1924 that defines the
purposes of the group he defined as a :
Dictionary :
¨ Surrealism a pure psychic automatism , by which one presses , either verbally , in writing , or by any other
manners , the real functioning of
¨ Surrealism philosophy
La revolution
¨ Shortly after releasing the first surrealist
manifesto , the surrealist published the inaugural issue of ‘La revolution
Bureau of
surrealist research:
¨ The bureau of surrealist research
(central surrealism) was the center for
surrealist writers and artists to meet ,
hold discussions , and conduct
interviews .they investigation speech under trance.
¨ The movement in the mid – 1920s was
characterized by meeting in cafés where
the surrealist phoned
collaborative drowning games ,
discussed the theories of surrealism ,
and development a variety of techniques such as automatic drowning.
In expansion surrealism in two sub topic :
¨ 1.
Writing continues: main article : surrealist cinema
¨ 2.
Surrealist films
¨ 3.
Surrealist theatre
¨ 4.
Music by surrealists.
Surrealism and
international politics :
¨ Surrealism as a political force developed
unevenly around the world: in some
places more emphasis was on political practice looked to supersede both the art and the politics .
“politically ,
surrealism was Trotskyites,
Communist , or anarchist”.
Gold age :
¨ World war 2 and the post war period.
¨ Thoughtful
the 1930s , surrealism continued
to become more visible to public at
¨ The characteristic of this style , a combination of the
depictive , the abstract , and the
Post -
Breton surrealism:
¨ There is no clear consensus about the end ,
or if there was and , to the surrealist
movement some art historians suggest that world war 2 effectively disbanded the
Impact of surrealism:
¨ 1. Other sources used by surrealism epigons
¨ 2. 1960 reacts
¨ 3.
Postmodernism and popular culture
¨ 4.
Surrealist group
¨ 5.
Surrealism and the theatre
¨ 6.
Surrealism and comedy
Criticism of
surrealism :
¨ 1.
Feminism: Dorothea Tanning;
feminists have in the post critiqued surrealism , claiming that is
fundamentally a mole movement and a mole followship.
¨ 2. Freudian : Freud
initiated the psychoanalytic critique of surrealism with his remark that what
interested him most about the surrealists was not their unconscious but their
¨ Imagism was a movement
in early 20th century Anglo
American poetry that favored precision of imagery and clear, sharp language.
vImage of imagism
¨ It has been described
as the most influential movement in English poetry since the activity of the
pre – Raphaelites.
¨ As
a poetic style it gave modernism its start in the early 20th
century , and is considered to be the first organized modernist literary movement in the English language.
¨ Pre – imagism :
Well – know poets of the Edwardian era of the 1890s , such as Alfred Austin, Stephen
Philips , and Williams Watson, hed been working every much in the shadow of ,
Tennyson producing weak imitation of the
poetry of the Victorian era .
¨ They continued to work in this vein into the
early years of the 20th century.
“ No one has written purer imagism then
(Johnson) I has , in the line clear lir the fields , and fade in to blue air it
has a beauty like the Chinese.”
v Des imagists :
¨ Determined to promote
the work of the imagists , and particularly of Aldington and H.D, pound decided
to publish and anthology under the title des imagists.
¨ The imagist movement flourished from 1910 to 1918.
its first anthology , Des imagists was published in d work and that of the 1914
with Ezra pound , the distinguished American poet , as editor.
v Some imagist poets :
¨ Amy Lowell, moved to London,
determined to promote her own and work and thab of the other imagist poets , like ‘flint’ , ‘Abbott
Lawrence Lowell’etc.
v The imagist after imagism:
¨ In 1929, ‘Walter
Lowenfels’ to kingly suggested that Aldington should
produce a new imagist anthology of the poets
who were published in the various imagist anthology , by H.D are new
primarily remembered and red as novelist.
v Legacy:
¨ Despite the movement’s shortly life , imagism
would influence the course of modernist
in English .
¨ Imagism influenced a
number of poetry circles and
¨ With the imagist free
verse became a discipline and acquired status as a legitimate poetic form.
vImage of expressionism:
¨ Expressionism ,
according to R.G.Hagger,”is a form of romantic art in wich emotion or emotes
,expressed through violent distortions and exaggeration , are taken to the
point of excess.
¨ This movement becomes
dominant , especially points life not as it is visible to him on the surface
but life as he or his character passionately feels it to be.
¨ The expressionists
rejected the limitation of external vision
or a wider political one of a world after depicted as bizarre and
¨ Expressionism was
development as an Avanti Grade style before the first world was remained popular during the Wilmore republic,
particularly in Berlin.
¨ Expressionism was a
modernist movement, initially in poetry and painting in Germany at the
beginning of the 20th
v Main article
Expressionist music:
¨ The term expressionism
was probably first applied to music in 1918, especially to Schoenberg because
like the paint Kandinsky he divided traditional forms of beauty Convey
powerful feeling in his music.
Early 20th century it emphasizes and glorified themes
associated with contemo
Futurism was an artistic
and social movement that Early 20th century it emphasizes and
glorified themes associated with contemporary concept of the future , including
speed, technology , youth and violence , and objects such as the car , the
airplane and the industrial city.
v Italian futurism:
v Futurism is an Avant-Garde movement of in
Milan in 1909 by the Italian poet filippo Tommaso Marinetti.
v Marinetti lunched the movement in his
futurist time on February 1909 in La Gazette dell Emilia, an article then
reproduced in the French daily newspaper Le figure on 20 February .
v Futurist Architecture:
v The futurism architect
Antonio sant Elia expressed his ideas of modernity in his drowning for La
Cilt Nuore. This project was never built and Santi Elia was killed in the first world war , but his
ideas influenced later generation of architects and artist.
v Russian futurism:
¨ Russian futurism was a
movement of literature and the visual arts. The poet Vladimir Mayakovski was a
prominent member of the movement.
¨ The Russian futurists
sought controversy by repudiating the art of the post, saying that Pushkin and Dostoevsky
should be “heaved overboard from that steamship of modernity”.
v Futurism in music:
¨ Futurism music rejected
tradition and introduce experimental sounds inspired by machinery , and would
influence several 20th century composers.
¨ Futurism was one of art
music that paid homage to , included or imitated machines.
v Futurism in literature
¨ Futurism as a literary movement made its
official debut with F.T.Marinettis
manifesto of futurism.
¨ Poetry the predominate
medium of futurism literature , can be characterized by its unexpected
combinations of images and hyper conciseness.
You have beautifully prepared this assignment on Movements of the 20th century, and you have also written well about Futurism, Dadaism,Surrealism, Imagism, and Expressionism.You have also given proper images about it, lot's of hard work you have done.Beautiful...Thank you