Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Second Language Teacher Education


YEAR :2O14-15
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v Introduction of “Donald freeman:

·       Donald freeman is director of teacher education and associate professor of education at the school of education, university, of Michigan.

·       He also a senior faculty fellow at   the graduate school for international training, Brattleboro, averment.

·       His  research interests focus on teach learning Donald free man in his article “second language teacher education” differently and easily understand to teaching method.

·       In Donald the contexts of organizational and systemic reform, and its influence on student learning.

·       He serves on the editorial board of modern language journal and previously served on the boards of the education researcher and TESOL journal.

·        He is past president of TESOL and member of the university of Cambridge ESOL adviser council.

v “Introduction of Second Language Teacher Education” :

·       English language skills are vital for any country that wants to be an active participant in the global economy and has access to information or knowledge pertaining to social and economic development.

·       In terms commonly used in the field, these formal activates are generally   teacher training, while teacher primarily on a voluntary individual basis , are referred to as teacher development  .

·       Central to his enterprise are English teaching and English language teachers.

·       The shifting ground of terminology has plagued L2 teacher education for at least the past 30 years.

·       The field of teacher education is a relatively teacher education is a relatively underexplored one in both second and foreign language teaching.

·       The literature on teacher education in language teaching is slight compared with the literature on issues such as methods and techniques.

·       Accompanying professional meeting further served to establish the core interest in teacher education in the field and to articulate central issue.

·       Defining the content and processes of teacher education present of teacher education presents a major set of issues.

·       Understanding the hoe people learn to teach and the multiple influence of teacher -learner, past experience , the school contexts they must enter and career paths thy will follow, present  ,among others , an equally critical set of research and implication concerns.

v Second Language Teacher Education :

·       The gap between teacher education and teacher learning :

·       It  is  ironic that L2  teacher education has concerned  itself very little with how people actually learn to teach . rather , the focus has conventionally been on the subject matter what teacher  should know and to lesser degree on pedagogy how they should teach it.

v Subject matter knowledge:

·        Teachers need to know about their subject the specialized concept, theories and disciplinary knowledge that constitute the theoretical basis.

1.    Phonetics  and  phonology
2.    English syntax
3.    Second language  acquisition
4.    Curriculum and syllabus design
5.    Discourse analysis
6.    Sociolinguistics
7.    Analysis of methods
8.    Testing and evaluation

·        So this type of subject matter knowledge theoretical basis.

·       The nation that there is a learning process that   undergirds, if not directs, teacher education is a very recent on.

·       There are many reason for this gap between teacher education and teacher learning.

·       Some have to do with the research paradigms and methods that have been valued raise questions about how teaching is defined education lands to the study of teacher .

v Other reason have to do with history :

·        In the case of L2 teacher education , these reasons   have raised the issue of how the so called  “parent”  disciplines of applied linguistic cognitive and experimental psychology and first language acquisition have defined  what language teacher need to know  and be able to do.

·       In this paragraph shown, teacher education and knowledge very needed  for all are teacher . Teacher is very important tool of the students

v Factors affecting “SLTE”:



v The profession of English teaching:

·       SLTE has been evolving and  changing by exploiting its own knowledge  base . 
·       Short in present of  the teacher own knowledge in classroom .

v Approaches to SLTE and professional:

·       Interaction with applied linguistic and specialists in the field of second language teaching and  teacher education has impacted  the field of SLTE.

v Contextual factors:

1.    Language policies
2.    Language teaching policies
3.    Community factor
4.    Sociocultural  factor
5.    Type of school
6.    Administrative services
7.    School culture
8.    School  program
9.    Level of class
       10. Age of the learner
       11. Learning factor
       12. Teaching resources
       13. Testing factors

v Chapter & Themes:

·       The book consists of 30 chapter and 8 themes.

·       Each chapter synthesizes current practices and discusses the article insights on one aspect.

·       So they all are chapter & themes  of the  article’s second language teacher education. 
·      Show the content and focus on this point for teacher.

v “Growth and Scope of SLTE”:

·       In this chart second language learning teacher education shown importance of the speaking and improve you’re your speaking practice and speaking style.

·       They all are important of the “growth and scope of SLTE”.

v “Professionalization of language teaching”:

v“Pedagogical Knowledge in Second Language Teacher Education”:

·       Examines content be taught on teacher education programs .

·        Highlights knowledge about language, language acquisition and professional discourse.

·       Deals with classroom teaching skills and pedagogic issues and issues related to content knowledge and practical knowledge.

·       Provides information to enable distinction between explicit knowledge and implicit knowledge, and concepts of knowledge about and knowledge how.

v Pedagogical reasoning skills:

·       To analyze pedagogical problems and develop alternative strategies for teaching.

·       To relate theories of language, teaching, and learning to language teaching in actual situations.

·       To recognize decision making effectively in one’s teaching  .

v“Nature  of  teacher learning and teacher identity & c ognition”:

·         This section also:

·       Examines mental processes involved in teacher learning .

·       Acknowledges the role of teacher cognition in SLTE.

·       Discussions on traits of novice and expert teachers and explains the difference between ‘learning to teach’ and ‘learning to be a teacher’.

v “Role of contexts in SLTE”:

·       Sociocultural perspectives on learning emphasize that learning is situated.

·       Contexts in which learning takes place shape it and create different potentials for learning.

v Contexts:

·       Several chapters discuss the problem that exists in relating campus based and school- based learning due to the gap between theoretical course work and practical component at school.  It is acknowledged that expertise occurs through experience and practice

v “Teacher training  and Teacher education”:

v “The role of INPUT :  Teacher  Education  Strategies” :

·       As mention in the first section, confusing nomenclature   has been the Achilles heel of L2  teacher education.

·       The clearest instance is the mingling of the terms teacher training , teacher development and teacher education.

·       In the case of L2  teacher education , content and process combine to create two brood strategies for INPUT: teacher  training  and teacher development.

·       In teacher training the content is generally defined externally  and  transmit to the  teacher learner through various processes.

vDialogic teaching & Teacher education through technology” :

·       This theme centres around conversations with other teachers and collaborative planning and explores the role of collaboration, team mentoring, supervision problem solving and decision making.

·       Advancement in technology has created possibilities for distance teaching through online learning and internet based resources.

·       Dialogic teaching makes it possible for globalized teaching communities to come together with their own cultural, social, professional, and personal outlooks.

vCritical  Language Teacher Education”:

·       Through this theme the authors talk about raising awareness about how power relations are constructed and how they function in a society.

·       Teachers are encouraged to engage in critical self reflection  about their own identities and positioning in society and among their students.

v “Need For Account Ability”:

·       Since English teaching has become a worldwide phenomenon now, there is a greater need for accountability in SLTE practices and assessment.

·       To ensure quality there has to be a central control on competencies of teachers and components and contents of curriculum.

·       Internationally recognized standards and specifications need to be developed to ensure accountability, validity and reliability, hence a need for a central body that can monitor all aspects.

v Conclusion:

·       It is an informative book that has put forth some important issues and debates in the field of second language teaching effectively.

·       However, some information about the professional background of the chapter authors would have been beneficial to readers.

·       The book makes a vital contribution of our understanding about how this field has expanded considerably since its initiation in the 1960s and has redefined its scope goals curriculum, teaching approaches and methods

·       The book should benefit scholars of language education and applied linguistics and prove very useful to the teaching fraternity and master’s and doctoral students in these field.

1 comment:

  1. Simply fine one, you have prepered this assignment on Second Language Teacher Education, with the help of Charts, images you have explained it well. Thank you...
